Fortnite sets world record for emote dance

World record set by Fortnite users

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By  | Oct 29, 2018  

It’s no secret that Fortnite has broken a lot of records since it released a year ago, but this week, attendees of Paris Games Week used the game to break a more unusual record. During the 5-day convention, 383 gamers gathered together to dance to various Fortnite emotes as a group, setting the Guinness World Record for most participants in a video game emote routine.

The 383 participants were all dressed as Cuddle Team Leader, a skin which released on Valentines Day. While the record-setting participants shown below may not have all had fuzzy bear masks to complete the outfit, they certainly had the vigor to nail the Fortnite emotes en masse. The crowd went through several different Fortnite emotes – some of which take inspiration from other properties – and seemed to have a pretty good time doing it.


Take a look at the record breaking Fortnite crew below:


What do you get when you bring together Fortnite fans at Paris Games Week? A Guinness World Record for the Most Participants in a Video Game Emote Routine!

Thanks to all the 383 Cuddle Team Leaders who showed up to help out!

Gamers attending Paris Games Week had more than just an opportunity to be part of a Guinness World Record, however, with Epic Games giving away “Kab-Llama” sprays to attendees. The spray features the iconic llama jumping out in front of an explosion, and if the exclusive PAX West Fortnitesprays are any indication, these exclusive sprays might be auctioned off for a high price.

It’s not known what the previous record for most participants in a video game emote routine was, but one has to imagine that Fortnite can, hold the fort for some time longer. While setting a world record probably lifted the spirits of the emote-doing participants, Epic Games plans on lifting actual players soon enough with an upcoming Balloon update that will allow players to gain altitude in-game.

Fortnite is available now for iOS, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It is in early access for Android.

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